Discussion in "8051 Discussion Forum" started by    TsK    Jan 8, 2009.
Thu Jan 08 2009, 12:02 am
Hi, members of this site i read the tutorial about LCD interface and the problems reported here, but i can´t solve my problem by myself.

My LCD don´t initialize just the BackLight turns ON
here is a picture of my schematic i did it in mspaint no programs in my work to do a nice job

And here is my code i'll thank if someone get my mistake.
The LCD i'm using is GDM1602 and de data sheet is here:

#include <REGX52.H>

#define LCD_data P2	 
#define LCD_rs P1_0
#define LCD_rw P1_1
#define LCD_en P1_2

void LCD_busy(void);
void LCD_command(unsigned char var);
void LCD_senddata(unsigned char var);
void LCD_sendstring(unsigned char *var);
void LCD_init(void);

void main(void)
        unsigned char msg[] ="HELLO WORLD!";
       		LCD_command (0x40);      // Set CGRAM adress,data is Avaible from uC
			LCD_command (0x80);     // Set CGRAM adress,data is Avaible from uC
void LCD_busy()
    unsigned char i,j;

void LCD_command(unsigned char var)
     LCD_data  = var;      //Function set: 2 Line, 8-bit, 5x8 dots
     LCD_rs   = 1;        //Selected command register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing in instruction register
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->
     LCD_en   = 0;
     LCD_busy();          //Wait for LCD to process the command
// Using the above function is really simple
// var will carry the command for LCD
// e.g.
// LCD_command(0x01);

void LCD_sendstring(unsigned char *var)
     while(*var)              //till string ends
       LCD_senddata(*var++);  //send characters one by one
// Using the above function is really simple
// we will pass the string directly to the function
// e.g.
// LCD_sendstring("LCD Tutorial");

void LCD_senddata(unsigned char var)
     P0  = var;      //Function set: 2 Line, 8-bit, 5x7 dots
     LCD_rs   = 1;        //Selected data register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->
     LCD_en   = 0;
     LCD_busy();          //Wait for LCD to process the command
// Using the above function is really simple
// we will pass the character to display as argument to function
// e.g.
// LCD_senddata('A');
void LCD_init(void)
     LCD_data = 0x38;     //Function set: 2 Line, 8-bit, 5x8 dots
     LCD_rs   = 1;        //Selected command register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing in data register
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->
     LCD_en   = 0;
     LCD_busy();          //Wait for LCD to process the command
     LCD_data  = 0x0F;     //Display on, Curson blinking command
     LCD_rs   = 1;        //Selected command register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing in data register
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->
     LCD_en   = 0;
     LCD_busy();          //Wait for LCD to process the command
     LCD_data  = 0x01;     //Clear LCD
     LCD_rs   = 1;        //Selected command register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing in data register
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->
     LCD_en   = 0;
     LCD_busy();          //Wait for LCD to process the command
     LCD_data  = 0x06;     //Entry mode, auto increment with no shift
     LCD_rs   = 1;        //Selected command register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing in data register
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->

Sorry for the grammar errors i'm brazillian and i'm improving my skills =)

[ Edited Fri Jan 09 2009, 03:54 am ]
Thu Jan 08 2009, 01:38 am
try adding a while 1 loop at the end in main function.

 TsK like this.
Thu Jan 08 2009, 04:15 am
thx ajay, still no sucess, i read people talking about black blocks showed on the initialization of the LCD i don't got this blocks at any momment.
Thu Jan 08 2009, 06:28 am
Have you adjusted the contrast ?

It may be working but just not visible.
 TsK like this.
Thu Jan 08 2009, 07:52 am

Have you adjusted the contrast ?

It may be working but just not visible.


Yes I did,I tried with 10K/5K/1K resistors and nothing.
I'll buy a new LCD and try again tomorrow i'll report when i get some fresh news
Good night fellows.
Thu Jan 08 2009, 09:28 am
In your initialization routine you have made RS = 1 ,which selects the data register instead of command register.
So change all RS=1 to RS=0 in the init routine.
 TsK like this.
Fri Jan 09 2009, 02:08 am

Have you adjusted the contrast ?

It may be working but just not visible.


Yes I did,I tried with 10K/5K/1K resistors and nothing.


You know that you use two resistors as a voltage divider ?
A variable potentiometer would be best.

 TsK like this.
Fri Jan 09 2009, 03:53 am
Yes i used as a voltage divider, i solve the problem it wasn´t about the contrast
sashijoseph pointed the major error, and i found others.... like i was selecting the wrong register in the command routine, and in LCD_senddata i seted the wrong port.
I also added to the code a 15ms delay before the inicialization

Well its working now. Thanks for the precious help, the code below is the correct, maybe it will be helpfull for other people.

#include <REGX52.H>

#define LCD_data P2	 
#define LCD_rs P1_0
#define LCD_rw P1_1
#define LCD_en P1_2

void LCD_busy(void);
void LCD_poweron(void);
void LCD_command(unsigned char var);
void LCD_senddata(unsigned char var);
void LCD_sendstring(unsigned char *var);
void LCD_init(void);

void main(void)
        unsigned char msg[] ="Learning";
        LCD_poweron();	  // 15ms delay
		LCD_command (0x80);     // Set CGRAM adress,data is Avaible from uC
void LCD_busy()
    unsigned char i,j;
void LCD_poweron() 
unsigned int i;
for (i=0;i<22500; i++);
void LCD_command(unsigned char var)
     LCD_data  = var;      //Function set: 2 Line, 8-bit, 5x8 dots
     LCD_rs   = 0;        //Selected command register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing in instruction register
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->
     LCD_en   = 0;
     LCD_busy();          //Wait for LCD to process the command

void LCD_sendstring(unsigned char *var)
     while(*var)              //till string ends
       LCD_senddata(*var++);  //send characters one by one

void LCD_senddata(unsigned char var)
     P2  = var;      //Function set: 2 Line, 8-bit, 5x7 dots
     LCD_rs   = 1;        //Selected data register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->
     LCD_en   = 0;
     LCD_busy();          //Wait for LCD to process the command

void LCD_init(void)
     LCD_data = 0x38;     //Function set: 2 Line, 8-bit, 5x8 dots
     LCD_rs   = 0;        //Selected command register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing in data register
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->
     LCD_en   = 0;
     LCD_busy();          //Wait for LCD to process the command
     LCD_data  = 0x0F;     //Display on, Curson blinking command
     LCD_rs   = 0;        //Selected command register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing in data register
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->
     LCD_en   = 0;
     LCD_busy();          //Wait for LCD to process the command
     LCD_data  = 0x01;     //Clear LCD
     LCD_rs   = 0;        //Selected command register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing in data register
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->
     LCD_en   = 0;
     LCD_busy();          //Wait for LCD to process the command
     LCD_data  = 0x06;     //Entry mode, auto increment with no shift
     LCD_rs   = 0;        //Selected command register
     LCD_rw   = 0;        //We are writing in data register
     LCD_en   = 1;        //Enable H->
	 LCD_en   = 0;        //Enable H->

[ Edited Fri Jan 09 2009, 04:03 am ]
Sat Jan 10 2009, 01:45 am
congrats! glad it worked..

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