Discussion in "8051 Discussion Forum" started by    shaik    Aug 3, 2010.
Tue Aug 24 2010, 03:20 pm
hello ajay,
Thanks for ur reply.

I change this in program, but still analyser not gives any o/p like some pins have value 1 and some pins have value 0.
I don´t know what is the problem?

Now, I try to get o/p of ADC first on Terminal and then try to see that on Analyser.
Can u tell me how can i see the o/p value of ADC on Terminal?

pls give ur sugestion for this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Wed Aug 25 2010, 12:11 am
>>but still analyser not gives any o/p like some pins have value 1 and some pins have value 0.
I don´t know what is the problem?

well output depends on what value you set on ADC.

>>Can u tell me how can i see the o/p value of ADC on Terminal?
use serial library provided in serial communication tutorial. try it use it once.
 shaik like this.
Wed Aug 25 2010, 01:49 pm
hello ajay,
Thanks for ur reply.

I m giving analog i/p from Pot.
Is there any another possibility to give analog i/p other than Pot?
Can i assign value of analog i/p in program like P1 = 01010101 or not?
But the problem is if i assign value like P1 = 01010101 then this is digital value not analog.

I just try to print ADC o/p value on terminal using UART [combining programs of UART and ADC into one], just check the following code.
#include <stdio.h>

#include "reg_c51.h"

#define channel P1_7    // ADC i/p
short int uart_data;	//UART data

void main (void)
	// For ADC
	unsigned int value_converted;  // ADC o/p

	ADCF = 0x80;   // configure channel P1.7 for ADC
        ADCON = 0x20;   // Enable the ADC
        ADCON  &= 0xF8;    // Clear the field SCH[2:0]
        ADCON |= channel;   // Select channel
        ADCON |= 0x08;  // Start conversion in standard mode

        while((ADCON & 0x01)!= 0x01)
        {}      // Wait flag 

        ADCON &= 0xEF; // Clear the End of conversion flag
        value_converted = (ADDH << 2 )+(ADDL); // read the value

        // printf("%d",value_converted);
       //  P2 = value_converted;
        // P0 = (value_converted >
 // For UART

 	uart_data = value_converted;

	SCON = 0x50; // uart in mode 1 (8 bit), REN=1 //
	TMOD = TMOD | 0x20 ; // Timer 1 in mode 2 //
	TH1 = 0xFD; // 9600 Bds at 11.059MHz //
	TL1 = 0xFD; // 9600 Bds at 11.059MHz //
	ES = 1; // Enable serial interrupt//
	EA = 1; // Enable global interrupt //
	TR1 = 1; // Timer 1 run //
	while(1); // endless //

// FUNCTION_PURPOSE: serial interrupt, echo received data.
// FUNCTION_INPUTS: P3.0(RXD) serial input
// FUNCTION_OUTPUTS: P3.1(TXD) serial output

void serial_IT(void) interrupt 4
	if (RI == 1)
	{ // if reception occur
		RI = 0; // clear reception flag for next reception
		//uart_data = SBUF; // Read receive data
		SBUF = uart_data; // Send back same data on uart
		TI = 0; // if emission occur 
} // clear emission flag for next emission

But problem in this program is UART gives only 8 bits o/p, so i defined short int uart_data;, which occupied 2 Bytes = 16 Bits and unsigned int value_converted;, which occupied 4 Bytes = 32 Bits.

I cannot make Value_converted value to short int and cannot make uart_data to unsigned int.
Can u pls tell me wht can i do?

Please give ur sugetion for this problem
Thanks in advance
Wed Aug 25 2010, 11:37 pm
void SerialInit(){
    TMOD = 0x20;
    SCON = 0x50;
    TH1 = 0xFD;
    TL1 = 0xFD;
    TR1 = 1;

void tx(unsigned char x){
    SBUF = x;
    TI = 0;

void SendADCData(unsigned short dat){
    const char ascii[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    unsigned char temp;
    temp = (dat>
    temp = (dat>
    temp = (dat>
    temp = dat&0xF;

call SerialInit once in your program in main function. then simply call SendADCData to send ADC data on hyper terminal.


[ Edited Wed Aug 25 2010, 11:38 pm ]
 shaik like this.
Thu Aug 26 2010, 06:03 pm
hello ajay,
Thanks for ur reply.

I had one program in UART for user press any key from keyboard and that pressed key one can see on Terminal [e.g. If i press G then i see G on terminal], see the code.
#include <stdio.h>

#include "reg_c51.h"

short int uart_data;

void main (void)
	SCON = 0x50; // uart in mode 1 (8 bit), REN=1 //
	TMOD = TMOD | 0x20 ; // Timer 1 in mode 2 //
	TH1 = 0xFD; // 9600 Bds at 11.059MHz //
	TL1 = 0xFD; // 9600 Bds at 11.059MHz //
	ES = 1; // Enable serial interrupt//
	EA = 1; // Enable global interrupt //
	TR1 = 1; // Timer 1 run //
	while(1); // endless //

void serial_IT(void) interrupt 4
	if (RI == 1)
	   RI = 0; // clear reception flag for next reception //
	   uart_data = SBUF; // Read receive data //
	   SBUF = uart_data;// Send back same data on uart//
		TI = 0; 

This code runs perfect.
I change in my program which u send me now the code looks as follows.
#include <stdio.h>

#include "reg_c51.h"

#define channel P1_7    // ADC i/p

void SerialInit();
void tx(unsigned char x);
void SendADCData(unsigned short dat);

void main()
        unsigned short value_converted;  // ADC o/p	
        ADCF = 0x80;   // configure channel P1.7 for ADC
        ADCON = 0x20;   // Enable the ADC
        ADCON  &= 0xF8;    // Clear the field SCH[2:0]
        ADCON |= channel;   // Select channel
        ADCON |= 0x08;  // Start conversion in standard mode

        while((ADCON & 0x01)!= 0x01)
        {}      // Wait flag 

        ADCON &= 0xEF; // Clear the End of conversion flag
	value_converted = (ADDH << 2 )+(ADDL); // read the value        



        //P2 = value_converted;
	//P0 = (value_converted >
        while (1)

void SerialInit()
    TMOD = 0x20;
    SCON = 0x50;
    TH1 = 0xFD;
    TL1 = 0xFD;
    TR1 = 1;
void tx(unsigned char x)
    SBUF = x;
    TI = 0;
void SendADCData(unsigned short dat)
    const char ascii[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    unsigned char temp;
    temp = (dat>
    temp = (dat>
    temp = (dat>
    temp = dat&0xF;

After changing in program, still i m not getting ADC o/p on terminal.
Please explain me SendADCData() function specially temp = (dat>>12)&0xF; statement.
As u told me that there was no problem in program, but [from last two weeks] up to today i m not able to catch the problem in program.

May be there was problem in ADC i/p.
As u know i m trying to give ADC i/p through P1_7[Pot-R12 on board], when i test this pin on Osciloscop then i can see the value is changes if i move pot form left to right n vice versa.
So may be there is no problem in ADC i/p.
Is there any another way to give analog signal as i/o to microcontroller?

Then possible problem is in UART, but first program is running so UART also worked on my microcontroller.
Then may be error in program, but program give no error n u also told me that there is no problem in program.
Is there any problem in COM port?

Is there any problem in Microcontroller.
I test the pins of microcontroller, it´s changes the state form 0 to 1 and also i test PWM program, this program also worked.
So may be not problem in microcontroller.

Then wht is the problem why my this ADC program not give any o/p?

From start to and only u help me n clear all douts.
Please help me for this problem.

If anyone told me that here is the problem then i can search n try to solve that problem.
But i not able to catch the problem in program or microcontroller or UART or ADC i/p or...

please give ur advice for this problem
Thanks in advance.

[ Edited Thu Aug 26 2010, 06:06 pm ]
Fri Aug 27 2010, 12:49 am
First sorry from my side as i did not check your program properly, coz i am always in hurry when answering.

OK i will point your mistakes in ADC code.

#define channel P1_7
channel should be the number of ADC channel you are going to use not PIN. Pin configuration is already done by you in
ADCF = 0x80;
above statement.

so you should have defined as..
#define channel 7 // coz you are using channel 7 for analog input

waiting for end of conversion you used
while((ADCON & 0x01)!= 0x01)

it should be actually
while((ADCON & 0x10)!= 0x10)

coz 4th bit of ADCON is ADEOC (end of conversion) bit which is set by hardware to indicate conversion has finished.

There are few minor changes i made to uart code to display correct values. and it is working on my side so it should work on your board too. here is the final updated code.

#include <at89c51cc03.h>
 //change this header file as per your needs

#define channel 7    // ADC i/p

void SerialInit();
void tx(unsigned char x);
void SendADCData(unsigned short dat);

void main()
        unsigned short value_converted;  // ADC o/p    
        ADCF = 0x80;   // configure channel P1.7 for ADC
        ADCON = 0x20;   // Enable the ADC
        ADCON  &= 0xF8;    // Clear the field SCH[2:0]
        ADCON |= channel;   // Select channel
        ADCON |= 0x08;  // Start conversion in standard mode

        while((ADCON & 0x10)!= 0x10)
        {}      // Wait flag

        ADCON &= 0xEF; // Clear the End of conversion flag
        value_converted = (ADDH << 2 )+(ADDL); // read the value        



        //P2 = value_converted;
        //P0 = (value_converted >
        while (1)

void SerialInit()
    TMOD = 0x20;
    SCON = 0x50;
    TH1 = 0xFD;
    TL1 = 0xFD;
    TR1 = 1;
void tx(unsigned char x)
    SBUF = x;
    TI = 0;
void SendADCData(unsigned short dat)
    const char ascii[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    unsigned char temp;
    temp = ((unsigned short)dat>
    temp = ((unsigned short)dat>
    temp = ((unsigned short)dat>
    temp = dat&0xF;

Test this code, i will explain you what i have done in uart code.
 shaik like this.
Fri Aug 27 2010, 02:00 pm
hello ajay,
Thanks for ur reply.

wht value u got if u run this program?
if possible then send me snep of that o/p ?

bcoz still i m not getting any ADC o/p on Termiinal.

Is there problem in value_converted = (ADDH << 2 )+(ADDL); // read the value statement

bcoz first read ADDL and then ADDH.

I try with this staments
value_converted = ADDL; // read Low byte
value_converted += ADDH << 8; // read High byte

and also with this statments
value_converted = ADDL; // read Low byte
value_converted += ADDH << 2; // read High byte

but this changing with staments i was not getting ADC o/p

Is there any problem in this statments
ADCF = 0x80; // configure channel P1.7 for ADC
ADCON = 0x20; // Enable the ADC

means first i have to enable ADC n then configure channel.

so i also try like first enable n then configure channel.
ADCON = 0x20; // Enable the ADC
ADCF = 0x80; // configure channel P1.7 for ADC

but this changes also not gives o/p.

Pls give me ur sugetion for this problem.
thanks in advance.

[ Edited Fri Aug 27 2010, 06:54 pm ]
Sun Aug 29 2010, 01:16 am
i used keil simulator to read ADC value. and its working fine.

I am sure there must be some problem with your board. or you are using a different crystal frequency.

The program i posted in my last post is working fine as i checked.

i suggest you try out a working serial code on your hardware to confirm the serial link. once you find that code working post that code here.
 shaik like this.
Tue Aug 31 2010, 05:26 pm
hello ajay,
Thanks for ur reply.

I also check the program in Keil Simulator it´s working.
but when i test this program in microcontroller then it´s gives nothing on P2 and P0 ports.
Microtroller works perfect for another program like PWM, toggle pin, LED..

I also make one program like if my pot(P1_7) is low then all bits of P2 pin are low und vice versa.
This program works perfect i check this program on analyser,So means Pot worked as i/p value.

I have one dout that the value i gave in Pot (P1_7) is digital or analog?
Bcoz when i test ADC program (which u correct n send me) then it´s gives nothing on Analyser.
So may be Pot have digital value.
But when i move pot from left to right n right to left then it´s analog signal right?

please clear my this dout.

My seniour says it´s problem in program n i also think there is problem in program, but the same program gives o/p on simulator but not on Analyser.

One another dout is in ADC i must have to define all analog i/p channels n then only one channel have value..? In ADC program i clear all possible analog i/p channel n takes only one channel

wht can i do?

Give any another solution to test program.

please help me for this problem.
thanks in advance.

[ Edited Wed Sep 01 2010, 02:56 pm ]
Wed Sep 01 2010, 08:03 pm
can you post a working serial port code which you got with your kit?
I rechecked the whole program with reference to datasheet. I do not see any problem in code.

I think you should first do a testing of serial communication on your board. once that is confirmed to be working it will be easy to debug your programs.
 shaik like this.

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