Discussion in "Project Help" started by    dez    Jan 7, 2008.
Tue Jan 15 2008, 11:51 pm
dez please show me what you have done till now.. I will add things which are needed..!
Wed Jan 16 2008, 12:17 am
;delay function

delay	macro	duration
			local waitf
			mov cx,duration
			loop waitf
			end m


; cursor function
cursor	macro	r,c
			mov	bh,00
			mov ah,02
			mov	dh,r
			mov dl,c
			int 10h

; display function
display macro	str
			mov ah,09h
			mov dx,offset str
			int 21h

.stack 64

	;Seven Segment Table
	zero		db	3fh;		-   |	 -	-	| |	|-	|-	-|	|-|	|-|
	one			db	6;		   | |	|    _|	_|   -  |-  |_	-|	 -	 -
	two			db	5bh;		-	|   |_	_|	  |	 _| |_|	 |	|_|	 _|
	three		db	4fh
	four		db	66h
	five		db	6dh
	six			db	7dh
	seven		db	7
	eight		db	7fh
	nine		db	6fh
	speedCtr	db	?
	l1			db	'						Welcome									','$'
	l2			db  '			Press f to rotate clockwise							','$'
	l3			db  '		Press r to rotate counter-clockwise						','$'
	l4			db  '	You may adjust the speed by 'u' for up and 'd'for down		','$'
	l5			db  '	  You can see the motor speed on the 7-seg					','$'
	l6			db  '			Press q to quit the program							','$'
		mov dx,378h				;parallel port initialization
		mov al,00h				;for writing data
		out dx,al
		; D7 is for forward D6 is for backward D5 is for enabling of dc motor with L293d
		mov	ax,@data
		mov	ds,ax
		cursor 2,6
		display l1
		cursor 4,6
		display l2
		cursor 6,6
		display l3
		cursor 8,6
		display l4
		cursor 10,6
		display l5
		cursor 12,6
		display l6
		cursor 16,6
		mov	[speedCtr],0
		mov ah,07
		int	21h
		cmp al,'r'
		je	r_pressed
		cmp al,'f'
		je f_pressed
		cmp al,'u'
		je up_pressed
		cmp al,'d'
		je down_pressed
		cmp al,'q'
		je	quit
		jmp key_check

		delay 2;					wait for 2 seconds and then start rotating in reverse direction
		mov al,01000000b;			01100000B for reverse direction
		mov dx,378h
		out dx,al
		jmp	key_check

		delay 2;					Wait for 2 minutes and then start rotation forward direction
		mov al,10000000b;			10000000B for forward direction
		mov dx,378h
		out dx,al
		jmp	key_check

		add	[speedCtr],-1
		jmp	key_check

		add [speedCtr],1
		jmp	key_check

		mov ah,4ch
		int 21h
		end	main
Wed Jan 16 2008, 12:21 am

first i need to define a speedcontrol macro that will increase or decrease the speed when user push 'u' or 'd'.
secondly i need a 7seg function that will send the speed to 7segment which is stored in speedCtr
and thats all.
Wed Jan 16 2008, 12:28 am

are you using x86 processor? :-s
Wed Jan 16 2008, 12:50 am
i m trying to write just a program in dos to control the peripherals. There is no microcontroller
Wed Jan 16 2008, 03:26 am
i cant believe there are many step motor examples around the net
but there is no bloody dc motor by pwm example.
Wed Jan 16 2008, 09:44 am
hmm... but i don't know much about x86 processors.. :-s
Wed Jan 16 2008, 10:16 pm
can you write psuedo code?
Wed Jan 16 2008, 10:18 pm
i can help you with 8051... if you can translate that..then will be possible i guess..
Thu Jan 17 2008, 01:49 am
yes please

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