Discussion in "Embedded GSM Development" started by    abbas1707    Apr 29, 2007.
Sun Apr 29 2007, 10:56 pm
hi ajay,
i want to make a project " sms controller using 8051".it must work in a way that one mobile phone is connected to 8051 serialy interfaced , and when sms is sent to this mobile devices connected to 8051 will be turned on/off. i want to do this using c coding.can u plzzzzzzzz help me about it,mean from where i must start,some description about cct and coding?? if u know some link related to this project plz send me dat. ok take care God bless u!
looking 4 ur reply@
Tags smsreplycontrollerc codingAT commands
Mon Apr 30 2007, 01:29 am
First of all you must use 8052 because there are two types of interface available AT command based interface which runs at 9600 baud rate and FBUS interface which runs at 115.2K Baud rate.
if you can get a mobile with AT commands i will help you implementing your project.
so first of all... search in the net for any AT supported Mobile, buy that mobile doesn't matter it is a second hand.
INFO: all mobiles with modems support AT commands
if you want to check the mobile whether support AT commands or not..
then connect the mobile with Hyper Terminal
at 9600 8-n-1
in the terminal window type "AT" without quotes.
you will get a reply from the mobile as "OK"
this is how you check.
Tags baud rateinterfacereplyhyper terminalwindow9600 Baud
Mon Apr 30 2007, 11:15 pm
hi ajay,
i hv nokia6600,7610.will any of them support AT command. how can i connect them with hyper terminal.plz reply
Tags hyper terminalnokia6600ajay7610 AT Command
Tue May 01 2007, 01:21 am
u need a phone with Serial port connection so that u can test it on hyper terminal. so search for phones like nokia 6110 etc.. i am not sure whether it support AT or not just giving you an example.

So make sure whichever phone you are buying or getting it. it must have serial port Data cable.
Tags serial port connectionhyper terminalnokia 6110
Tue May 01 2007, 04:51 pm
hi ajay,
i have checked some cell phones but only one of them is responding to AT commands through hyper terminal. i have checked commands AT and AT+CPIN? .AT shows ok and other command shows ready.now the problem is that i dnt know abt the Rx and Tx pins on cell.And i must tell u that cell is T29s.
plz tell me what to do know.plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
w8ting 4 ur reply!
Tags replyhyper terminalcpinajayAT CPIN
Tue May 01 2007, 06:09 pm
you can connect your phone with the microcontroller via same datacable and connect that phone with the help of max232, just as a normal serial connection. I hope you understood.
now do one thing... search and download the AT command manual for T29S or Sony Ericsson (i hope i am not wrong with the company name) mobile phones.
and try with the commands for reading sms, deleting sms, sending sms and check what you get in the terminal. if possible copy paste the results of whatever you do in the terminal in the forum as your reply. So that i can explain you more and in a better way.
Tags sms sendingsending smsreplysony ericssonmax232
Wed May 02 2007, 04:40 pm
hi ajay,
i have tested the following commands on hyper terminal

AT //testing
OK //output
AT+CPMS="ME" // selecting memory of mobile
+CPMS: 1,25,25,25,1,25 // output
AT+CMGR=1 //reading sms at first memory location of mobile
/* i sent the message 10101100 ,from other mobile, which appeared at first location
of my mobile and when i entered the above read command the output
is given below*/
+CMGR: 1,,26

AT+CMGD=1 // command to delete the message which i have at first
//mermory location
OK // with this output the mesasge in my mobile at first location
// was deleted
so are these outputs ok??? what more commands should i learn??
and also i have found the pin configuration of data connector for my
T29s,, now tell me if i need to use max232??? i think i dont need it
becoz all the process will occur at TTL.plz reply
Thu May 03 2007, 02:19 am

hi ajay,
i hv decoded the message which i read in the hyper terminal and which i copied into my previous post.image below shows the decoded form of that message. portion with
red color: show dat the format for message used is international.
yellow color: show msg center info
pink color:shows length of sender's number in hex..
sky color: shows date and time
grey color:show lenght of actual sms which was 10101100
brown color:shows the sms (septets converted to octets) shown in hex
about other parts i dnt kno wat they r...
so wat shud i do know????shud i learn to decode the msg via c program???
w8ing 4 ur reply!!!

Sun May 06 2007, 12:21 pm
messages are sent and received in the PDU format. so you need to understand the PDU format.
for this you can visit

usually we use 7-bit octets for normal message when we are not using any special characters. so you can see those websites for complete description. and for programming part, you can create a structure and distribute the message and decode the message part.
hope that helps for now u can just understand how this is to be done.
Sun May 06 2007, 12:29 pm
i want to test dat if my cellphone is responding to AT commands sent by microcontroller
i have written a c program and before wirting this code to controller i want 2 confirm if this code ok???? or i must correct it?? im just sending AT and cheking wether OK recieved and if so turning led on!!!
#include sbit led=P1^0;
void init()
void transmit(unsigned char *a)
unsigned char rcv()
return SBUF;
void main()
unsigned char ok[2];
unsigned char j;

i have learned the other coding.program above is just for test
Tags SBUFReceive Interrupt

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