Discussion in "Project Doubts" started by    Rickey    Sep 20, 2006.
Wed Sep 20 2006, 04:52 pm
here is the explaination of the circuit of home automation.

the whole circuit is devided into four sections.
A. Control and Display Section
B. PC Interface Section
C. Appliance Section
D. Power Supply section

Power Supply Section: This section will provide the power to the circuit, in this i have used two ICs one is LM7805 and other LM7812. LM7805 will provide the 5V to the controller and other components. LM7812 is for extenstion purpose, if someone want to use a 12V relay then he/she can use this 12V supply.

Control and Display section: This section contain mainly two components. Microcontroller and LCD. Microcontroller is used for all the controlling purpose, ofcouse its the brain of the project. LCD is used for display the messages which are being sent over internet.
There is provision of sending message from internet terminal from where user login.
so on reciever side.. user can see messages pressing keys. there are three keys provided. one is to open/close message, second is next message and third is previous message.

PC Interface Section: In this section there is one main IC used which is very common MAX232 for RS232 interface between PC and controller. so its basically provides Serial communication.

Appliance Section: This section provides interface with Appliances to control maximum of 8 devices. i have connected LEDs to show each appliance. if LED is on that means appliance is ON. if LED is off, means appliance is off. so if you want you can replace these LEDs with relays for 220V appliance conection.

anymore quaries please reply to the post.
ajay bhargav
 N1KH1L like this.
Fri Sep 29 2006, 04:55 pm
Thats a very nice Idea...And which type of communiation control is there for remote operation of the devices...I mean simple dial-up or TCP/IP?
Fri Sep 29 2006, 04:58 pm
it doesnt matter how you connect to internet.. the only thing matter is what application you use to connect to the board. so i am using Telnet for the remote terminal login. hope you have worked on it.
Fri Dec 22 2006, 06:55 pm
ok.will the status of led's be known to the user on transmitter side?
Fri Dec 29 2006, 02:07 am
yes, there is a command "stat" for the same. see the help file for command information.
Fri Feb 23 2007, 02:21 am
I have a question about the HA project. I was able to get the CLI project to work. Now I am trying the HA project. I am unable to get any response with the HA.hex flashed to the microcontroller. Essentially I have the circuit wired up like the CLI project. I do not have the LCD or the buttons hooked up. Could that be the reason it does not work? I am able to connect to the server but I do not get any response from the microcontroller.
Fri Feb 23 2007, 03:29 am
it will not work with all the components because it initializes LCD during the init part.
So without LCD it will not work.. better connect just an LCD thats all! and ofcourse with serial
Wed Feb 28 2007, 12:18 am
I want to remove the LCD from the HA project. I was wondering if you would be willing to look at the altered code to see if it is correct? I can email you the code if you would like.
Wed Feb 28 2007, 12:53 am

I want to remove the LCD from the HA project. I was wondering if you would be willing to look at the altered code to see if it is correct? I can email you the code if you would like.


Hi matt... can you please crate a new topic.. for your doubt?
it will be easy for u and me.. to help! and its better not to make this thread too big as.. the first reply in the thread is important.
So, create a new thread, attach your modified files with the thread
I will wait
Thu Jan 03 2008, 04:01 pm
Hi Everybody.. Can anyone explain the full operation of the project home automation over internet... i need crystal clear working of circuit.. i.e; for instance , what happens when a command is given from transmitter side.. how does MC receives it.. how it is decoded.. what will MC do with program burned inside it while receiving a command???? then how will it produce signal to activate the output switches.. what type of switch must be used at output port of MC along with Power line(220v)...

why the LCD is used.. ? then which file should i burn in MC....?? what r that c programs and what should i do with it..

Plz help me out to find answers for the above questions bcoz i m not a electrical or electronic student.. i just loved this project.. so i need to do that .. so help me..


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