Discussion in "ARM Development" started by Fejsu Jun 9, 2009.
Tue Jun 09 2009, 02:45 am
I am trying to perform context switching using lpc2148 arm7 controller.The saving is working but when i try to load the next task the R14_IRQ register is not being with the same value as that of R14 User mode register.
Any suggestion?
Below is my code :
I am trying to perform context switching using lpc2148 arm7 controller.The saving is working but when i try to load the next task the R14_IRQ register is not being with the same value as that of R14 User mode register.
Any suggestion?
Below is my code :
__inline void tc0 (void) __irq { //unsigned int ref_sp; T0IR = 1; // Clear interrupt flag VICVectAddr = 0; // Acknowledge Interrupt if ( (pid> 0 && pcb_new[pid].head!=0 ) ){ //START CONTEXT SWITCH PROCESS/// // SAVE REGISTERS // pid=current_task ref_sp = pcb_new[pid].sp1; __asm { LDMFD R13!,{R0-R3,R12,R14}; LDR R13,=ref_sp; LDR R13,[R13]; SUB R13,R13,#60; STMIA R13,{R0-R14}^; MRS R0,SPSR; SUB R13,R13,#4; STR R14,[R13]; ADD R13,R13,#4; STMDB R13,{R0,R14}; } switch_task(); //TO FIND NEXT TASK //Loading new task if (pcb_new[pid].state==1){ ref_sp=pcb_new[pid].sp1; __asm{ //LOADING new PCB--> DURING CONTEXT SWITCH LDR R13,=ref_sp; LDR R13,[R13]; SUB R13,R13,#60; LDMDB R13,{R0,R14}; MSR SPSR_CXSF,R0; LDMIA R13,{R0-R14}^; LDR R13,=PCB_IRQStack; LDR R13,[R13]; MOVS PC,R14; --> > PROBLEM HERE R14_IRQ VALUE NOT EQUAL TO USER MODE R14. } } } }
[ Edited Sat Jun 13 2009, 04:07 am ]
Sat Jun 13 2009, 04:11 am
well i think this has been discussed earlier too, that you wont be able to access banked registers when switching from user mode to IRQ/FIQ mode. you can try changing the processor mode to user mode and then access R14 register, i am not sure how will it going to effect the whole process :-s
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