Discussion in "ARM Development" started by    shyam    Sep 21, 2007.
Tue Sep 25 2007, 10:15 pm
hmm... sure i can start.. but people are not too much into OS right now.. and no1 ask about it.. we can start if we first try to implement freeRTOS on 8051.. make a small application running on it... then we can get people interest in this field.. so we can keep ARM aside and try to make 8051 RTOS application.. just any simple application..
what you say?
Tue Sep 25 2007, 10:24 pm

just any simple application..
what you say?

that is the problem ajay..........
8051 is such a straight forward controller that u rarely ure rtos with it.....
still we can make a digital clock ( 89c51 (graphical lcd/16x2 lcd) rtc.....
just to compare the product with the one without rtos
Tue Sep 25 2007, 10:38 pm
yes.. we are not bothered about what can be done with/without OS, but we are making something that will be an example of using RTOS.
so there is only one free RTOS there supported by all platforms which is FreeRTOS. but we also have to look for light weight architecture coz we are going to have no xram.
Tue Sep 25 2007, 10:42 pm
yes ,
but if somebody is using keil demo version
he can use rtx51tny/full with it.....
the code is small and does not require xram :-)
Tue Sep 25 2007, 10:53 pm
ok we make for RTX tiny then
Tue Sep 25 2007, 11:18 pm
ok then let us start with this basic example.....
it is quite interesting.......
just start denug and run in simulation mode ...
just to feel what is happening
Tue Sep 25 2007, 11:22 pm
owwwwww. that was quick.. but i wanted to make it as a tutorial kind of thing.. so becomes more informative..
well you can leave that on me
great work...
Wed Oct 31 2007, 10:47 am
hi shyam, i'm now doing a project about an embedded system which will use ARM processor as the backbone and to control a webcam and some other i/o. so do u have any link to learn about how to write all those program in C.bcoz i;m using linux to write the C programming code.i hv the idea how to do the part for motion detection.but i have no idea how to start and write for the C language code. another info,i learnt C b4.thanks.
Wed Oct 31 2007, 02:35 pm
Nice work shyam,I think if u wana use linux u require 8MB RAM
and 16MB of flash which will only be possible in ARM 9 processor try some books on linux,because it will show u all debugging and compiling part. many books are available on net search in google.
Wed Oct 31 2007, 07:36 pm
no its not mandatory to have ARM9...
you can compile it for ARM7 too.. just make the right linker script to link the different sections and make file to get the hex file..

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