Eagle CAD 5.11 Full
Discussion in "Software" started by coolmirza143 Apr 22, 2011.
Fri Apr 22 2011, 07:01 pm
EAGLE Product information
The EAGLE Layout Editor is an easy to use,
yet powerful tool for designing printed circuit boards (PCBs).
The name EAGLE is an acronym,
which stands for
Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor
The program consists of three main modules
Layout Editor
Schematic Editor
which are embedded in a single user interface.
Therefore there is no need for
converting netlists between
schematics and layouts.
Program Features (Professional Edition)
online Forward- and Back-Annotation
context sensitive help function
no hardware copy protection!
multiple windows for board, schematic and library
powerful User Language
integrated text editor
available for Windows, Linux and Mac
Layout Editor
maximum drawing area 1.6 x 1.6m (64 x 64 inch)
resolution 1/10,000mm (0.1 micron)
up to 16 signal layers
conventional and SMT parts
comes with a full set of part libraries
easily create your own parts with the fully integrated library editor
undo/redo function for ANY editing command, to any depth
script files for batch command execution
copper pouring
cut and paste function for copying entire sections of a drawing
design rule check
interactive Follow-me Router (requires the Autorouter module)
Schematic Editor
up to 999 sheets in one schematic
electrical rule check
gate and pinswap
create a board from a schematic with a single command
ripup&retry router
up to 16 signal layers
routing strategy driven by user definable cost factors
CAM Processor
pen plotters
Gerber plotters
Excellon and Sieb&Meyer drill files
configurable through ASCII file for
easy definition of your own output devices
System Requirements
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
Intel PC based Linux
Kernel version 2.6
X11 in at least 8bpp mode
Mac OS X 10.4 on PPC or Intel
Make Designs Like this...
Tue Apr 24 2012, 09:06 am
i didn't found the link for downloading the Eagle cad please send me the updated link.
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