Discussion in "8051 Discussion Forum" started by    bastik    Jan 12, 2018.
Fri Jan 12 2018, 04:07 pm
I have device with SAB80C535 microcontroller and I was wondering if any one had a good substitute for this microcontroller? (which is of course still produced and can be bought)
Sat Jan 13 2018, 12:00 am
What exactly is your situation ?
I very much doubt there is a drop in replacement.
If your are able to redesign the board
and write your own software there are several options.

There are several SAB 80535 on ebay, some from your country.

[ Edited Sat Jan 13 2018, 08:20 am ]
Sun Jan 14 2018, 03:08 am
For now I don’t have much information about device in which this microcontroller is installed. My task is to replace SAB80C535 with a newer microcontroller that is currently being manufactured. It is obvious that the board will have to be redesigned. I know that my answer contains not much information, unfortunately I do not know much more about this device. I just got the task of replacing the microcontroller with something newer. From what I know the device is equipped with external memory (Am27C256, SRM2264LCT), counter (PD71054) and 8-Bit ADC converter. The program was probably written in assembly language. So I assume that the new microcontroller should be popular, cheap and 8 bit.
Sun Jan 14 2018, 03:56 am
This is clearly an old design.
A modern microcontroller will almost certainly combine
the controller ,Am27C256, SRM2264LCT, PD71054
and ADC converter into one chip.

There are MANY devices from several families that could do this cheaply.

If you have the original software you can find out what it did,
and think about how to reproduce it.

Whoever gave you the job, will have to give you all the information,
before you can do anything.
Sun Feb 04 2018, 04:10 am
It took me a several days to find original software Unfortunately, the person who programmed the old microcontroller has left the company and there is nobody else who could advise me anything. I am only an intern with little experience gained while doing student projects and I am afraid that I will choose the wrong microcontroller.
Based on the code, I can say that it is used 20 I \ O microcontroller lines, 9 interrupt sources (7 external and two from peripherals: timer 0 and timer 2) and 3 A/D converter (two external) . What else do I have to pay attention to when selecting a microcontroller? As a replacement, I found the AT89C51AC3, but I do not know if it's a good choice. The device does not need to be upgraded with any new functions (of course, after replacing the processor it will be necessary to modify the software and the PCB) it is important that the new microcontroller is available on the market for the next few years.
Mon Feb 05 2018, 03:06 am
The AT89C51AC3 or any replacement micro, may have the same functions,
but exactly how they work will be different.
The register addresses will almost certainly be different.

To make this work you will have to be sure you
understand the original code as well as the man that wrote it.
When you understand the code, you will be able to choose a replacement
and know what changes to make.

Fri Feb 09 2018, 10:59 pm
I have sent you a message.

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