Discussion in "8051 Discussion Forum" started by    akrepkral76    Apr 5, 2018.
Thu Apr 05 2018, 01:29 am
Dear All,
I need to support about HM 2007 who have to design HM 2007 Speech Recognition Kit for my grudaiton project.
There are the same project in the web but i am not able to work it.
Although The circuit description is exist in this web site , the circuit does not work absolutely.
Therefore ı need to your support -
-Circuit schematic or PCB desing for 8051 or PIC ?
-Is there anyone that do and work it ?
-Can you share your documantaion or design or code or other details please ?
Thu Apr 05 2018, 01:37 am
Can you post details of what you have done
even if it does not work.
 akrepkral76 like this.
Thu Apr 05 2018, 01:45 am
In the first step i tried to do this project lcd insted of touch panel Lcd but i am not able work it moreover 8051 instead of PIC.
and then the circuit (attehment) have done by me.
But it is still not working 2 times i design but not working.
Can you share your info or decumant or pcb desing with me if you have done this project.

Thu Apr 05 2018, 01:55 am
Does the speech recognition board output codes when you talk to it ?

What is you project supposed to do ?

Please post your code.

[ Edited Thu Apr 05 2018, 02:51 am ]
Thu Apr 05 2018, 02:07 am
The project is about speech recognition.
-First there is a microphone (for input data) which the connection is the HM 2007 chip 42 pin.
- Second The circuit has been processing in the speech.
-Lastly the circuit has a two relays in the output side. The speaker says 1 the first relay active ( output on other case output off) Moreover the speaker says 2 other relay active (output on other case output off ).

Also the code and other details here :


[ Edited Thu Apr 05 2018, 02:08 am ]
Thu Apr 05 2018, 02:50 am
That board is self contained, it does not need a micro.
What does your project add ?

Do you have a working HM2007 board as shown in the picture ?
Thu Apr 05 2018, 03:09 am
i have used to micro for touch panel because i did not want to desing for key pad. But i am not able to do successfully.
Can you help me adding to touch panel to circuit please ?
How can i use the relay without the micro ?
That board is self contained, it does not need a micro = i overlooked (missed ) the parts i will read more one time carefully.
Do you have a working HM2007 board as shown in the picture ? = i do not understand clearly. Can you explain more clearly ? pls.

[ Edited Thu Apr 05 2018, 03:19 am ]
Thu Apr 05 2018, 04:19 am

Do you have a working HM2007 board as shown in the picture ? =
i do not understand clearly. Can you explain more clearly ? pls.


On your diagram in your second post is a connector
That is a board like the one from Sunrom.
Do you have that board ?

[ Edited Thu Apr 05 2018, 04:54 am ]
Fri Apr 06 2018, 05:52 pm
I have drawed many PCB board. But it is still not ok.
I think there is problem my pcb drawing.
How can i draw PCB easliy way ?
Can you help me about this issue ?
Sat Apr 07 2018, 07:15 am
You will need to say which software you are using,
explain what you have done
and what you think is wrong.

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