Discussion in "Project Help" started by    AdiGhazi    Jun 18, 2019.
Tue Jun 18 2019, 04:50 pm
Hlo Dear ,
I've to program AT89C51AC3 RT-LUM using flip but I'm getting time out error for RS232.
Will you please suggest me which programmer will be supportable to program this Chip.

Thank you and have a great day!
Wed Jun 19 2019, 03:49 am
Okay.. I have never programmed the AT89C51AC3 or used Flip,
so if anyone has any ideas, please post.
How are you connecting to the AT89C51AC3
and at what baud rate ?
Thu Jun 20 2019, 10:54 am

I'm using RS232 serial port cable to use flip and baud rate is 9600 at stop bits of 2.
Fri Jun 21 2019, 03:38 am

baud rate is 9600 at stop bits of 2.


The usual setting of a serial port is, 1 Start bit, 8 data bits , no parity and 1 stop bit.

The output of a PC serial port is around plus and minus 12 volts.
How are you connecting to the micro ?
Is it on a development board?
Sat Jun 22 2019, 06:56 pm
I’ve use the AT89C51ED2 which has a similar programming procedure.

Data for programming the AT89C51AC3 is at:

The baud rate is specified as 8 data, no parity, 2 stop bits with auto-baud detection.

The tricky bit is starting the boot-loader on the AT89C51AC3 which involves taking PSEN low while the device is reseting.

Typically there will be two buttons, one for RESET and one for PSEN (which may be called the boot-loader button, program button or something else).

The procedure is:

Power up the device.
Press and hold the RESET button.
Press and hold the PSEN button.
Release the RESET button.
Release the PSEN button.

This should start the boot-loader which will wait for a “U” on the serial port to perform the auto-baud detection.

To test the physical connection (to make sure you are using the correct comm port and it is wired correctly) use a terminal program that simply sends keystrokes to the serial port and displays any characters returned. After following the procedure above to start the boot-loader typing “U” should cause the device to detect the baud rate and transmit “U” back.

Once you are sure the boot-loader and connection are both working OK you can try FLIP again.

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