Greenhouse Monitoring
Discussion in "PIC Microcontroller Discussion" started by sarrahjuzar Feb 19, 2020.
Wed Feb 19 2020, 02:54 pm
I have a gsm module sim900a and dht22 connected to pic16f877a. Is it possible to interface gsm module to an IoT platform like Thingspeak to display the temperature data?
Fri Feb 21 2020, 03:15 pm
Yes you can do that.
1. Create a channel @Thingspeak and create fields for parameters that are going to be updated by your device. (in your case temperature and Humidity)
2. On your device generate HTTP GET request to update those fields.
Open socket connection to @80
Send get request as follows:
GET /update?api_key=&temp=&humid=[cr][lf][cr][lf]
I used temp and humid as field names. You can change them to whatever you have created in channel
Please mind that cr (carriage return \r) and lf (line feed \n) are part of get request. So prepare the request carefully if you want everything to be success.
1. Create a channel @Thingspeak and create fields for parameters that are going to be updated by your device. (in your case temperature and Humidity)
2. On your device generate HTTP GET request to update those fields.
Open socket connection to @80
Send get request as follows:
GET /update?api_key=
I used temp and humid as field names. You can change them to whatever you have created in channel
Please mind that cr (carriage return \r) and lf (line feed \n) are part of get request. So prepare the request carefully if you want everything to be success.
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