Death Clock
Discussion in "Chill out!" started by abbas1707 Apr 17, 2008.
Thu Apr 17 2008, 07:59 pm
Find your personal day of death
mine is Saturday, December 4, 2060.
Seconds left to live...
mine is Saturday, December 4, 2060.
Seconds left to live...
Wed May 07 2008, 02:58 pm
Great! thanks for reminding me.. .
mine is Monday, February 22, 2049
seconds left are 1,287,315,150.
mine is Monday, February 22, 2049
seconds left are 1,287,315,150.
Thu May 08 2008, 03:15 am
Tuesday, April 18, 2073
Seconds left to live...
Lets party!! 65 years still left
Thu May 08 2008, 12:33 pm
yeahhhhhhhhhh lets party.......... jeenay kay hain chaar din...baqi hain baykaar din
Sun Jul 20 2008, 12:07 am
Death call ? avoid this cause
pdi33 like this.
Sun Jul 20 2008, 10:25 am
thanks buddy, that was a great link . even most of the educated people i have seen seldom fail to respect nature, our balanced eco-system and its wealth of plants and animals.
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