Clock Items tagged with Clock
Project Update!
Hello friends,
the new and improved, update of "AT89C4051 as RTC" is available for download. instead of 16x2 LCD i am using 20x4 LCD and with the help of CGRAM area in LCD (type HD44780) i created digits from 0 to 9. which are double the size of the original clock. so clock looks much better and is more impressive.. few more bugs have been fixed.
so give it a try... go to download section and DOWNL... Read Compelte post
the new and improved, update of "AT89C4051 as RTC" is available for download. instead of 16x2 LCD i am using 20x4 LCD and with the help of CGRAM area in LCD (type HD44780) i created digits from 0 to 9. which are double the size of the original clock. so clock looks much better and is more impressive.. few more bugs have been fixed.
so give it a try... go to download section and DOWNL... Read Compelte post
Other Tags: clock alphanumeric lcd hello friends hd44780 rtc Digital Clock DS1307 with 89C51 LCD library
Posted on Mon Jun 19 2006, 09:14 pm
doubt in rtc
thanks for the advice...
actually had a doubt in understanding the code.
wanted to know why exactly time flag and alarmflag used...and also the increament and decreament flag.
can we do without using switches.i.e is it for setting time in clock or setting time for alarm...... Read Compelte post
actually had a doubt in understanding the code.
wanted to know why exactly time flag and alarmflag used...and also the increament and decreament flag.
can we do without using switches.i.e is it for setting time in clock or setting time for alarm...... Read Compelte post
Other Tags: setting time time flag switches doubt clock
Posted by pinky on Mon Apr 30 2007, 04:54 pm