E107 plugins Items tagged with E107 plugins
Great plugin - thanks!
I would like to add the e_classifieds plugin to the furl htaccess script if possible and I am not having much joy by myself.
I tired adding:
# Classified PLUGIN ===================================
RewriteRule classifieds.html e107_plugins/e_classifieds/classifieds.php
but it did not work - any additional help would be greatly appreciated!... Read Compelte post
I would like to add the e_classifieds plugin to the furl htaccess script if possible and I am not having much joy by myself.
I tired adding:
# Classified PLUGIN ===================================
RewriteRule classifieds.html e107_plugins/e_classifieds/classifieds.php
but it did not work - any additional help would be greatly appreciated!... Read Compelte post
Other Tags: e107 plugins rewriterule furl htaccess greatly appreciated
Posted by FatFreddiesCat on Sat Apr 21 2007, 11:46 pm