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fuzzy logic applications Motorola 68000-series green house project using 8051 adaptive cruise control in the automobile industry Programming microcontroller in C for DC motors real time system pull ups ADC0809 code Assembly and C 8051 mazidi The VLSI Handbook Second Edition c language WiMax bipolar stepper motor interfacing WiFi FM receiver module using structure in embedded c elm-chan fat file system library 8051 Baudrate calculator motor drives at89c2051 capacitors HomeRF happy new year 8051 I2C code wireless Internet data acquisition system by abbas explained power electronic devices PIC 12C675 Wireless Personal Area Networks ARM LPC Programming Microcontroller Based Caller ID Verilog-A build your own workbench FieldBus standards 8051 remote car greenbee v2 stepper motor interfacing 8-bit microcontroller pic by martin p bates 16f628 uart simulation in keil microvision uart occurrence avr ebooks Centralized And Distributed Control Systems Digital ic tester project Embedded Controller Hardware Design Ken Arnold Adaptive Resonance Theory C Programming for Embedded Systems PIC microcontroller project book AVR load and store instructions assembly code for ADC0809 8051 part time jobs 3rd Edition Revised and Expanded shaastra 2007 IPv6 technology Embedded Systems Design wavecom gprs gsm 1 wire pic microcontroller internet protocol 7-seg display code Intelligent Bioinformatics:Artificial Intelligence Mobile IP folders temperature stability LM35 interfacing RFID ebook mechanical resonance fat filesystem nokia 3310 lcd for pic serial comm nokia 1100 lcd pic interface Mobile home automation cse students internet option spam protection IR receiver Simple Digital Voltmeter using 8051 virtual server router angular speed to linear speed RC5 remote code at12MHz AT Command compatible GSM phones speed control home automation server setup 8051 project acknowledge alarm and sensor interfacing application-specific embedded processor design AT Command list ALL Sony Ericsson mobile home automation using gsm modem USB in Nutshell Cornell University intelligent complex robotic system rpm nokia 3310 LCD with 8051 SEF Plugin AVR microcontroller IR transmitter timer and calculator electronics voting machine project e107 FURL for newsfeed plugin