Pic dsp microcontroller Items tagged with Pic dsp microcontroller
Experimenting with dsPIC30F4013
Greetings folks,
I had a bunch of Microchip's dsPIC30F family of controllers lying around purposelessly & so I decided to make use of them. I considered the usage of the dsPIC30F4013 specifically as an entry point to the wide family of Microchip's DSC's.
My goals were as follows:
-After looking around the web, I couldn't find any DIY / easy-to-make at home boards featuring the dsPIC to get s... Read Compelte post
I had a bunch of Microchip's dsPIC30F family of controllers lying around purposelessly & so I decided to make use of them. I considered the usage of the dsPIC30F4013 specifically as an entry point to the wide family of Microchip's DSC's.
My goals were as follows:
-After looking around the web, I couldn't find any DIY / easy-to-make at home boards featuring the dsPIC to get s... Read Compelte post
Other Tags: dsPIC30F4013 dsPIC PIC dsp microcontroller arduino LCD dsPIC experiment board dsPIC evaluation board
Posted by msakms on Wed May 22 2013, 04:53 am