Discussion in "Project Help" started by    firoz3321    Jan 7, 2010.
Mon Apr 26 2010, 06:49 pm

MOV A, #'S' ;display letter S
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #'M' ;display letter M
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #':' ;display : symbol
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay   ;give LCD some time

MOV A, M_BUFFER  ;move sensor data from buffer to accumulator
CJNE A, #67h, dry
JNC optimum
MOV MOIST_LEVEL, #1     ;Store level in a buffer (for threshold check)
MOV A, #'D' ;display D
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #'r' ;display r
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #'y' ;display y
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #' ' ;display space
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #' ' ;display space
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time

SJMP moist_over
optimum:         ;normal condition
MOV A, M_BUFFER  ;move sensor data from buffer to accumulator
CJNE A, #78h, disp_opt
JNC slurry
MOV MOIST_LEVEL, #2     ;Store level in a buffer (for threshold check)
MOV A, #'O' ;display O
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #'p' ;display p
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #'t' ;display t
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #' ' ;display space
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #' ' ;display space
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
SJMP moist_over

MOV MOIST_LEVEL, #3     ;Store level in a buffer (for threshold check)
MOV A, #'E' ;display E
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #'x' ;display x
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #'c' ;display c
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #'e' ;display e
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time
MOV A, #'s' ;display s
LCALL datawrt ;call display subroutine
LCALL lcddelay ;give LCD some time

moist_over: RET

#67h, dry
#78h, opt
Beyond this its Excess

Use the same procedure to calsulate the voltage ...
Its clear in the code...
Did you even read the code and try to understand ?

Mon Apr 26 2010, 09:32 pm
i have read the code and understood it..
it was just this analog to digital conversion part thats confusing me..

the point is 67h =103dec =2.06V


the document gave the value above 3.5 to be excess.. and thats the reason why i asked..

Mon Apr 26 2010, 11:18 pm
Well the Documentation is verymuch different...

Instead of blindly going through the present code, you can just see the voltage levels in DRY,OPT and EXCESS conditions and thus modify them...

The Light conditions wont work so exact to your conditions. So you just check the voltage levels for different light conditions and modify the code so ou dont have to worry later ...
Tue May 25 2010, 03:17 am
hello there.. i just started this project. i found both of the 2 types of sensor fo humidity..
but i would like to ask you, ise there any type of moisture sensor or i have to make it??? if yes can you provide me any plans or tips??? thanks anyway
Tue May 25 2010, 10:28 am
The Moisture sensor needs to be made by yourself, Its not any big circuit, Go to the downloads section , you can find the Complete schematics and documentation.
The Moisture sensor is the eaisest part and there shouldnt be any problem.
Any further doubts can be clarified here.
Good Luck
Sun Sep 26 2010, 10:25 am
Sorry to post here..
please brother help me to design Soil moisture sensor..
mean what kind of metallic prob i use???
Sun Sep 26 2010, 10:38 am
Any Conducting metal can be used as probes. I used OLD METALLIC HANGERS
i cut them into two equal lengths and connected wires.

Any thing that conducts electricity can be used.
Wed Dec 08 2010, 10:17 pm
no output on lcd screen.......just getting boxes on 1st line of lcd.... chckd d codes....studied d circuit 100 tymes.... no dry solder..... wt may be d problem???

sensor outputs are fine.... a lil bit difference in temp and soil moisture sensor....bt dats not bugging me...i'll callibrate it...

bt wt abt d lcd o/p .....

plz help!!!!!!!!!
Wed Dec 08 2010, 10:38 pm
A snap of the Out put would be good
Make sure you didnt connect the LCD in reverse
Thu Dec 09 2010, 12:32 am
hi varunarora
first make sure is controller is running r not
make a simple led blinking code if it runs it mean controller is running code
now make a small code for lcd let say display "A" on it to verify it is ok
if ur attaching lcd on port 0 then u need 10k pull ups resistors too

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