Rs485 communication Items tagged with Rs485 communication
schematic for RS 232 to RS 485 converter
if you know how to communicate over uart/RS232 of 8051. then it becomes easy for you to work on RS485. As Majoka mentioned, RS485 is nothing but uart + voltage level of RS485 standard. So on protocol level they work over uart but on physical media they are on RS485 which is a multidrop bus communication.
You can design a packet for communication and each 8051 over that bus will have an ID. so you c... Read Compelte post
You can design a packet for communication and each 8051 over that bus will have an ID. so you c... Read Compelte post
Other Tags: sample RS485 protocol rs485 communication
Posted by ajay_bhargav on Fri Jul 06 2012, 01:16 am