Led matrix Items tagged with Led matrix
LED Scrolling message Display using 8051
LED Scrolling message Display using 8051
This Project is a scrolling LED matrix display project using 8051 (AT89S52) controller and 24C16 EEPROM. This LED matrix project is designed to work flexibly to handle 1x18 matrices of 8x8 LEDs or 1 to 29 matrices of 5x7 LEDs. The total matrices support can go higher if a controller with higher RAM is used. You do not need to do any change in the program for... Read Compelte post
Other Tags: led matrix matrix display 8051 matrix display scrolling message display scrolling led matrix display scrolling led display 8051
Posted on Thu May 08 2014, 04:55 pm
LED Scrolling message Display using 8051
LED Scrolling message Display using 8051
This Project is a scrolling LED matrix display project using 8051 (AT89S52) controller and 24C16 EEPROM. This LED matrix project is designed to work flexibly to handle 1x18 matrices of 8x8 LEDs or 1 to 29 matrices of 5x7 LEDs. The total matrices support can go higher if a controller with higher RAM is used. You do not need to do any change in the program for... Read Compelte post
Other Tags: led matrix matrix display 8051 matrix display scrolling message display scrolling led matrix display scrolling led display 8051
Author: Pratik Suthar | Date added: Thu May 08 2014, 04:28 pm